benefits of lemon tea leaves Although many people who like lemon tea, not many people know menganai lemon tea following facts:
The first is the fact Lemon tea lemon tea when the process is created. Lemon Tea is made with a mixture of black tea and lemon juice. One interesting thing is Kketika squeeze a little lemon into a cup of tea, there is a drastic change from the tea wana. This effect is known as the bathochromic shift.
The term is not widely known by laymen used by the researchers showed that changing the acidity of lemon tea and the color change is an indication of this, the same chemical methods to change the litmus paper when etched with various chemicals. What hubungannga? Wana changes in indicating the lemon tea that tea leaves contain substances rich. both in terms of benefits and flavor, a lot of people who agree flavors Lemon tea is a unique fruit flavor tea.
Start each morning with a glass of warm lemon water that are useful for stimulating digestion and cleanse your body of any toxins that may have settled in your digestive tract.
Adding energy
Lemon juice can provide energy for your body through the digestive tract and can help reduce anxiety and depression. Even the scent of lemon has the effect of calming the nervous system can
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